Pune întrebarea ta
Data: 31 March 2016 Categorie: Engleza

Buna!Am nevoie de o mica compunere de 150 de cuvinte in engleza cu titlul *My perfect day* in care sa prezint cum ar fi ziua perfecta.(cls7)

Data: 1 November 2016 20:06
My winter holiday was awesome this year!!!
A few days before Christmas i got to hang around with my friends at the ice skating rink.It was so much fun skating with my friends,even thought i fell a few times.
After that,we went to a local restaurant and ordered some pizza.You won't believe what happened! At this restaurant,there was an offer...If you were the 100th customer,you would get a special ticket that gave you pizza for 3 entire months!And guess what....We won!Now we're going to stuff our stomach until we explode like a pinata (pune deasupra primului a ceva ca un sarpe)!
Christmas was great!I got what i wanted and we got to spend time as a family.
I will never forget this winter holiday!It was an amazing experience and i would love to do this again!
Mulțumesc 6

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